The Unforgettable Legends of India

The list of name of the brave people is long enough. The man and women who shed their blood for the motherland. The Indian Independence movement saw a series of campaigns those were violent, untiring civil resistance. inhuman torture with native Indians, dishonor to the Indian Princes and Peshwas and other social leaders.

Here we will have a look at all the prominent, brave and Patriotic revolutionaries who died for the mother nation India.

Bhagat Singh

Born September 1907 in Jaranwal distt. Punjab.
Died 23 march 1931 aged 23

One of the most influential revolutionaries of the Indian Independence Movement usually remembered with the name Shaheed Bhagat singh.

Not satisfied with the Non-Violence Movement Bhagat singh’s views were different. For him freedom from the British control was India’s right and he has to rebel against the British empire no matter whatever the consequences . He was involved in many revolutionary activities.

Lala Lajpat Rai a prominent Indian Politician was killed by the mean hands of John Saunders a British police officer. Bhagat singh agitated with this insult to the nation and the loss of a prominent Political leader vowed to avenge his death.

Later Bhagat singh with his associates Rajguru, Sukhdev and Chandra Shekhar Azad planned and  killed the police officer John Saunders and escaped.

But unfortunately they were captured and took on trial and sentenced death by the British Government. All the three brave men Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev and Rajguru accepted their punishment with pride. On 23rd march 1931 they were hanged and killed.

The Document showing accomplishing the task of killing them.

A Poster by HSRA challenging and warning the British Govt.

Khudiram Bose 

Born  3 December 1889 in Midnapore district of West Bengal.
Died 11 August 1908 aged mere 18 yrs.

Khudiram Bose a young boy, the path he chose was dangerous. At such a small age he took the task to fight for the mother country ignoring the consequences. To kill his target Kingsford in Mujaffarpur, Bihar he threw bomb on the kingsford carriage in front of the European Club. The hit was a success and the carriage blew up. He left from there accomplishing the task, but didn’t waited to watch it was instead the wife and daughter of barrister P kennedy.

Khudiram escaped, since the attack took place in the evening he left the town and kept walking countryside non stop all the night, instead of boarding the train and covered nearly 24 miles on foot and reached on Vaini Station. Unfortunately he was suspected and recognized by two constables. He was carrying mere rupees 30 in cash and 37 rounds of ammunition and a railway map when captured.

Later when he was arrested, the railway station got crowded to see the boy. For the country, the act he did, his fate was sealed. But look at the boy he seemed so determined, so cheerful. No anxiety for what’s coming next. Unaware of the coming disaster in his life this boy cried in high spirits – “Vande mataram”.

He was executed and hanged by British Government on 11 August 1908.

Khudiram Bose, When Arrested on Vaini Station.

Chandra Shekhar Azad

Born 23 July 1906 
Died 27 February 1931

Chandra Shekhar Azad, know with the name AZAD (The Free) reorganised HINDUSTAN REPUBLICAN ASSOCIATION under the new name HINDUSTAN SOCIAL REPUBLICAN ASSOCIATION after the death of HRA founder Ram Prasad Bismil.

He was involved in the KAKORY KAAND(THE KAKORY TRAIN ROBBERY). The train was robbed with the intention to challenge British Officers and to collect money for the violently rising movement to purchase ammunition and other resources. Only the bogie in which British Personnel was seated was attacked. No Indian was touched.

In 1928 along with Bhagat Singh he was involved in the killing of John Saunders the British police officer to avenge the killing of Lala lajpat Rai .

After killing John Saunders, all the associates escaped. Later Azad went to meed sukhdev but found to be surrounded by armed police. He ran towards the Alfred park in Allahabad and fired upon the police personnel. Kept firing upon them until he was severely wounded. Running out of bullets soon he came to know he is about to be captured. But he has taken a vow to never be capture alive by British Police. He shot himself with the last bullet he had. He died on 27 Feb 1931.

Udham Singh 

Born 26 December 1899
Sangrun Distt. Of Punjab
Died 31 July 1940

On 13 April 1919, over 20 thousand unarmed protestors assembled in JALLIANWALA BAGH, AMRITSAR. The Brigadier-General Reginald Dyer ordered the troops to fire on innocent people. The soldiers fired on the gathered people without warning. It was raucous moment. Several people jumped into the well to save their life, some tried to climb the wall of the park to escape but all in-vain.

The cruel Dyer’s order killed around 400 Indians and about 1200 were inujured. Udham was deeply hurt with this event and wanted to take the revenge.

On 1 April 1940, Udham singh entered the Caxton hall where Michael O’Dyer was scheduled to speak. Michael O’Dyer was Lieutenant Governor of Punjab and the one who endorsed Reginald Dyer’s order regarding Jallianwala Bagh Massacare. Udham singh was carrying a Revolver hidden inside a Book. As Michael moved toward the speaking platform, Udham Singh shot him twice killing him immediately. Four other officers were also injured by Udham Singh who didn’t attempt flee away and was arrested on site. Singh was sentenced to death and on 31 july 1940 he was hanged and buried within the prison grounds.

He is also refered as Shahid-i-azam Sardar Udham Singh means the great martyr.

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi

Born 2 October 1869
Place : Porbandar, Gujrat India
Died 30 January 1948

A man about whom a whole book containing hundreds of pages can be written. Though hundreds of books already available.

Born in Gujarat when he was 12 Gandhi went England to study law and then came back to India. Later he went to South Africa a part of British Empire at that time. There he faced the discrimination when he was thrown off the train when he refused to move from the first class compartment. Further he was beaten by a driver for not leaving space for a European passenger. There he suffered other hardships including one where a magistrate ordered him to remove his turban for which he felt insulted and refused to do so.

Gandhi noticed the so deteriorated prestige of Indians. All these situations changed his point of view about his life’s real purpose. To work for the social status of the Indians and to strengthen them and work for the Independence of the country and to fight against the social injustice by British Govt. 

Gandhi was the originator of Non-Cooperation Movement, the SatyaGrah (Salt March), Non-Violence and Quit-Indian Movement. His strategies and efforts shocked the British Government. At his one call thousands of people of India were ready to die.

Worldwide known with the name Mahatma Gandhi, we Indians remember him with the title Bapu or Rashtra Pita Mahatma Gandhi. A man who brought freedom to country without any gun or sword.

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